Pink Torpoedoes
Kristin- These were fairly easy to make and incorpated two of my favorite things every- vodka and strawberries! Because of this, I think my expectations were really high and the drink fell slightly short. A decent summer time drink by all means, it just seemed like it was missing something. Maybe more sweetness would do the trick?
H: Thumbs up.
K: Thumbs sideways.
N: Thumbs sideways.
R: Thumbs up - I thought it was great.
Grilled Drumsticks with Herb Dipping Sauce
Nicole - These were super easy and delicious too! I am still a complete beginner on the grill, and this recipe was a good one for me to get some practice in.
H: Thumbs up.
K: Thumbs up- the sauce was a great compliment to the smokeyness of the chicken.
N: Thumbs up.
R: Thumbs sideways - anytime I eat this kind of app, I can’t help but expect buffalo sauce somewhere!
Margarita Fish Tacos with Chipotle-Lime Mayo and Arugula
These were easy enough to put together but the chipotle flavor overwhelmed all the other flavors in the tacos. If I were to make these again, I’d cut back on the chipotle.
H: Thumbs down – there are better fish taco recipes out there.
K: Thumbs down- little flavor to the fish and the sauce was too spicy for even me!
N: Thumbs sideways – a bit spicy for me too.
R: Thumbs down. Not the one..
Spanish Rice
Kristin- I was excited to tackle this recipe since I had never made spanish rice before. I believe I accidently added too many diced tomatoes, but I didn’t mind since I love tomatoes! Overall, solid rice recipe that wasn’t too bland (some of them can be!)
H: Thumbs up.
K: Thumbs up
N: Thumbs up.
R: Thumbs sideways.
Zesty 3 Bean and Roasted Corn Salad
Rissa - This recipe was one of the hits of the night. Full of flavor and spices. This is where I also learned about fresh vs. can corn. Major difference! I snuck in a smidge more avocado of course, but you just can’t waste any. And as for browning the corn and green beans in a pan, that was a good tip. Very easy and super tasty dish.
H: Thumbs up.
K: Thumbs up!
N: Thumbs up.
R: Thumbs up.
Caramel Banana Cupcakes
Even though these required a lot of manual labor in unwrapping all the caramels, it was well worth the effort! I love the flavor combination of banana and caramel and you could really taste both in these cupcakes. The only thing I didn’t like about this and would definitely change next time was the frosting. It tasted like straight up butter. I would do a sweeter, less buttery frosting or even a cream cheese frosting next time.
H: Thumbs sideways.
K: Thumbs up- such a fun surprise inside! Though best when served immediately.
N: Thumbs up – yum!
R: Thumbs down.